Sorry! Dozed off there completely. But this is what your revenue will look like if you do not pay attention to pricing!
I think they always knew they had a problem but they just didn’t want to admit that their replacement of the company’s core product was technologically obsolete by the time it was launched. This was exacerbated by senior execs – I’m using the term “senior” very loosely at this point – longing for the old days of “proper computing”. Whatever that was. I think the last time we had “proper computing” was when there was a British Empire, Morris Minors, 8″ floppies, before The Cuckoo’s Egg, that sort of thing.
But out of all the problems they had, I bet they never once considered that part of their problem was that their pricing strategy was continually undermining the business. It wasn’t just the obsolete technology, the lack of backward compatibility, the disintegration of their application ecosystem, their failure to modernize their GTM mechanism, the collapse of their support model due to using much more reliable components, virtualization, hyper-converged infrastructure, the cloud, the rise of OEMs … It was also pricing. All the time, it was pricing.
If you’ve never got your pricing mojo working, if you’ve never experienced the thrill of crushing the competition because your pricing is just so on top of it …. then get a real expert in. Someone who actually knows what they are doing.
Better Call Paul 281-782-9821