Bad Selling is somehow always absent as an option in Bid-Loss analysis. But if there ever was a Bid-Win analysis, I’m sure that Good Selling would somehow get 100% of the credit. Of this I feel absolutely sure.
Previously from Paul’s Pricing Dictionary:
Happiness, n. A feeling of well-being which is directly proportional to your gross margin %.
Insight, n. What your Pricing Team should be providing you with. Insight from your Pricing Team should come in two distinct flavors:
Competitive Insight, n – into your competitors’ performance
Margin Recovery Plan, n. A work of complete fiction written by Sales in the hope that no-one else will read it and, most of all, the author will not be held to account for its contents. Ever.
Price, n. Value, plus a reasonable sum for wear and tear of conscience in demanding it. (qv, Ambrose Bierce, The Enlarged Devil’s Dictionary)
Strategic Deal, n. deal struck at a massively negative gross margin by CxO or Executive Sponsor, usually without any hope of margin recovery. See Margin Recovery Plan.