So why was HP’s X86 Servers’ turnaround ignored in last quarter’s call?

And HP Storage and HP Enterprise Services’s non-existent turnaround emphasized so much?

Maybe it has something to do with some other aspect of the business …….. Just to re-cap, 7 out of the last 8 quarters have shown positive year-over-year growth. Last quarter was a record quarter for 3Q:

So what’s the problem? Let’s look at market-share:

A decline of 860 bps in global revenue market-share from 38.5% to 29.9% from 4Q10 to 2Q15 (according to IDC) might be the reason. Which is really brought into sharp focus when you look at market-share gap:

Although the gap to Dell has now widened to 800 bps from a low of 560bps (D), this is less than half what it was in 4Q10 (A) – 1,740 bps. And there are no signs of recovery in market-share either: it has been pretty flat since 1Q14.

And to simplify the visual, selecting specific quarters:

That’s a lot of market-share to lose. And there are no indications that ISS is making any traction in re-gaining any of that lost market-share opportunity. So maybe this is why ISS’s progress in its revenue growth is being over-looked.

Let’s see what Tuesday’s results from HP and next week’s market-share update from IDC brings.


“Effective Pricing” paper has now been published by the Professional Pricing Society …


  • “How Effective Pricing Can Enable Business to Achieve Their Strategic Objectives” by Paul Charlton of the Pricing Factory®, has been published in Q2 2015 edition of The Journal of Professional Pricing Read more ……
  • The Journal of Professional Pricing is the quarterly publication of the Professional Pricing Society, The World’s Leading Association Dedicated to Pricing Management.
  • The article demonstrates – using HP and Dell’s X86 server businesses as an example – how pricing can be used to achieve strategic objectives. Dell’s effective pricing drove increases in the X86 server market-share by delivering nine consecutive quarters of superior revenue growth to HP, their #1 competitor and the market-leader. Was pricing the driving force behind this? HP in its quarterly analysts’ briefings said that it was.
  • Any questions, please contact [email protected]

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