A Pricing Solution Roadmap: design and construction of improvements in your pricing capabilities:
It will be in phased-in, bite-size, digestible, impactful incremental changes with implementation optimized around ability to build, capacity to absorb change, and business priorities.
It will include:
- Pricing strategy framework:
- Pricing strategy, price positioning, pricing tactics, pricing metrics, etc.
- Standards across the organization:
- Methodologies, monitoring, analytics, insight-generation & decision-making
- Processes and service levels
- Communication, Staffing and training
- Identifies and transfers best practices
- Closed-loop processes:
- Within pricing
- Integrating with other functions
- Between pricing strategy & sales compensation
- And list pricing and sales discounting
- Establish governance structure:
- Roles and responsibilities
- Processes to change the strategy and processes, controls, documentation & records retention
Also includes:
- Policy and accounting changes
- Changes in master data structure
Roadmap broken out by business dimension:
- Global/regional
- Multi-line of business/single line-of business
- Solution component/Total solution
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